Epic Prize for an Epic Costume
Posted by Aracely Gonzalez on Mar 7, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
Why is everyone in costume at the Fun Stop 5K & Fest?
The costumes are a huge part of what makes the Fun Stop 5K and Fest so fantastic. More people than not are wearing something wacky – even if it’s just a little bit of make-up or a hat – if you want to fit in, you need to have a costume that stands out. It’s the type of event that attracts people who aren’t afraid to be a little weird to make a joke.
So many of the people show up in their offbeat duds are doing it to compete in the costume contest. The winner gets a year’s worth of Amy’s Ice Cream! And in the interest of democracy – you the people – get to decide who looks the best. The winner is selected after their photo is posted to our Facebook page. The photo with the most likes wins.
But even people who don’t enter the contest go all out. Halloween is still months away and sometimes you just want to dress up. So, for inspiration, let’s take a look back at some of the best costumes we’ve seen over the years.
I need some costume ideas!
Let’s start by breaking them into categories: starting with the film/movie homage.
No babies were harmed in this recreation of Zach Galifianakis in the Hangover.
These Storm Troopers amped up the sex appeal by trading in their lightsabers for feather boas.
Who could forget the perils Tom Hanks dealt with in Cast Away? Not this duo – who portrayed the Fed Ex employee after a few months on the island and his best friend – Wilson.
Fiona and Shrek left the swamp to enjoy the festival.
Leeloo from 5th element didn’t need her Multi-pass to strut her stuff.
These guys are Incredible(s).
All along the course and festival grounds – superheroes are always out in full force, protecting the citizens of Austin.
Although these Supermen/Superwoman seem more interested in checking out the liquor samples than protecting the city.
I’m not quite sure if ninja turtles count as superheroes – but they’re ready to go – just like this group of four.
You may see a few of the same types of costume. It’s because a lot of people want to pay homage to the red headed stranger… the one, the only, Willie Nelson.
Video games aren’t just for playing – they’re for emulating.
This group won the costume contest in 2016 by bringing PacMan to life.
And some of the younger folk may not remember this one – but it was one of the biggest toy fads of the 90s and early 2000s…. Tamagotchi! The digital pet that gives you all the responsibility of a pet with none of the love or cuddliness.
So maybe you’re not as creative – but still want to play along. The easiest – and wackiest way to do that – are masks. Check out a few of those options.
Horses not your style? How about a grumpy baby? It’s honestly a little unnerving.
And is it just me – or can you also not tell if this guy is coming or going?
But beware – masks can be just plain creepy. There’s probably a smiling happy face behind this – but it’s impossible to tell.
Another popular theme – a little gender bending. You’ll get an eyeful of men wearing skirts and bras – with or without clothes on underneath.
And having a beard doesn’t stop folks from breaking out their best ill-fitting lingerie or sports bras.
Austin is home to the state capitol – so of course politics are not off-limits. Can you figure out this group? Anderson Cooper, his camera woman and President Trump spokesperson Kelly Ann Conway.
Some types of costumes you see so many places you can’t help but wonder if Lucy in Disguise had a discount on them – like the ever-popular produce – bananas.
If you’re not hungry for that – how about grabbing a hot dog?
When the summer heat rips through Austin, going for a dip in the water always seems like a good idea. If you can’t do that – use your imagination to pretend you are under the sea.
These two are channeling some lovely undersea aquatic life – a squid and a jellyfish.
A Merman King with his trident has made his way out of water to enjoy the festival.
And this mermaid certainly isn’t a fish out of water.
And just because what you’re dressed up AS may not always be clear – it doesn’t mean you can’t look good – even as you confuse the heck out of everybody as you prance around in your underwear.
Completing the course and making it through the day is a feat of strength – something that these strong men and strong women are prepared for.
Family costumes are always a hit – these folks are paying homage to Dr. Suess
Some of the costumes aren’t really easy to run in – but you look good – like this giant head and airplane lady.
The Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Man probably tripped up a few times making her way through the obstacle course.
Win a Free Year of Amy’s Ice Creams!
And not all the costumes make a lot of sense – and they don’t have to. Just dig through your closet – find your tutu or hulu skirt – and pair it with a wig and some of the strangest shirts and pants you have and you’ve got a look that can’t be beat. If enough people agree that you look good – you don’t just get pride in a job well done -you get a free year of Amy’s Ice Cream! It may make it harder to fit in your costume next year – but you could always just throw on a sumo suit and call it a day.
Start planning now! The Fun Stop 5K & Fest takes place on Saturday, June 23rd from 4pm to 9pm right in front of The Long Center. Sign up here!
Check out our home page for more information on the event and the experience (https://funstop5k.com)!