Why is the Fun Stop 5K so different from any other 5K?
Posted by bouncefun5k on Mar 2, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
The Fun Stop 5K is Like No Other 5K
Why is the Fun Stop 5K so different from any other 5K? Well here’s my experience with most 5Ks. You wake up early to go to a spot where it’s almost impossible to find parking. You see the grim, determined faces of dozens of runners, all in their best gym clothes, stretching on the ground or jogging in place. The mood is serious. The intense runners are preparing to make their way around the winding course, point A to point B as quickly as possible, with NO stopping along the way. It’s not quite silent, but it’s not an animated crowd either. When it begins, a hush falls and the only sound you can hear is feet hitting the pavement, followed by labored breathing – and the only thing that makes it fun is crossing the finish line because you are so relieved it’s finally over. You take some time to catch your breath – and then head home.
But the problem is…it’s not a lot of fun – even if you get some bragging rights. But it’s time to rethink things – with the Fun Stop 5K & Fest.
The Most Fun You’ll Have at a 5K
It’s the most fun you’ll have at a 5K. First of all, you don’t have to wake up first thing in the morning to get there. You can sleep in, have a lazy brunch or lunch and then get to the event. Score. Second, it’s clear everyone is there to have fun. The runners, walkers and joggers are decked out in the most absurd costumes you can imagine. And the folks are just so excited to be there. Lots of talking, laughing and even some flirting thrown in there. And that’s all before the start gun goes off.
A Leisurely Night-time 5K with Drink Stops!
Because here’s the real selling point. This is the only 5K in downtown Austin that lets you have drinks along the route. I’m not talking about those little paper cups filled with water or Gatorade. I’m talking adult beverages. Yes, really…it’s not frowned upon – it’s actually encouraged. Instead of a trip to check out the new brewery in town, just enjoy an IPA while you get your exercise in.
And forget about watching your time – that’s not really the point of this 5K. Because you’ll want to stop as you make your way to the finish line. There are 12 outrageous fun stops along the way. Need a little encouragement along the route? How about some love from man’s best friend at the puppy kissing booth. Run a little more – then grab a super soaker and deal with the heat by dousing your friends and family with some water. Okay, now you’ve cooled off and you probably feel a little guilty about not getting as much of a workout as you expected. That’s what the obstacle course is for – get your heart pumping again! And after that, when you’re all sweaty – just clean up in the foam pit.
So, while people are all decked out in tutus meandering their way along the course – frolicking from stop to stop – you’ll look back at all those other 5Ks you did and wonder what was the appeal?
Then when you finally get to the finish line – you get to celebrate with another party. On Riverside in front of the Long Center you’ll get to eat up all those calories you just burned off with some of Central Texas’ best food trucks. And while you’re at it, why not have a few more drinks? After all, you deserve it, you just ran a 5K!
Live Music, Costumes and Even More Fun!
And it wouldn’t be Austin without some live music. It’s always a mix of some underground artists that you need to listen to just so you can tell your friends you did. Then comes the weird vendors. Sure, they’ve got face painting, but what about a Willie Nelson hair braiding station?
And finally, you get to the bottom of why everyone is decked out like it’s Halloween. The costume contest. It’s the reason you see that guy dressed up like Thor – or that group recreating the Golden Girls – despite the fact they’re all rocking beards. And this isn’t just for bragging rights. The winner walks away with an entire year of free Amy’s Ice Cream.
So next time you think about doing the couch to 5K app to get yourself in shape for a run… with the only real reward being the fact you completed the goal… rethink your plans. Because this isn’t just a 5K – it’s not just another summer festival – it’s something else entirely.
Click here to sign up today!
Check out our home page for more information on the event and the experience (https://funstop5k.com)!